Light Weight Battle Outfit

This medium Gray Metal Colored outfit

is made to dress to impress or full on battle gear wear.

Designed by Silexe for the first selection in

Battle Gear.


Bottom Made in Karate Fashion

Red Iron Arena

Constructed By King Silexe

The Iron King

From the Kingdom Of EmpressSilverRaven

This Magical Combat Arena was built in a cavern located deep with the foundation of the castle.

Rich in deep red metal colors and iron grate walkway housing a fantastic special centurion combat area for Spartans.

Now located in Public Rooms for you inspection or…Come spar, practice your technique and enjoy showing off you awesome battle gear.

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Excellent Stereo Tuners for your club or Home

Providing Free Streaming Music

You've Been Kissed ...

By a Silexe Company

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