"California Cutie" 1st Lt. Richard Loehnert USAAF 55th FS, 20th FG Kings Cliffe July 1944 Assigned to the 55th FS from November 1943 to November 1944, Loehnert flew 70 missions and 300 hours during his combat tour. A fair number of these flights were performed at the controls of this long-lived P-38, which bore one of the largest mission tallies ever seen on a USAAF fighter in the ETO. The P-38 completed 56 escort missions, 16 top cover missions , and 11 sweeps, while the six locomotives beneath the canopy were for strafing credits and two Bf 109s shot down by Loehnert on July 7, 1944. This item appers hight up in your room, it has "guns" and "engine"triggers. It is a very well worked copy of the last P38 to fly in the uk before it was lost in a fatal crash in 1996 Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Have fun,,Helen.