What is a Versafur?

A versafur is simply a versatile fur. Why spend all your credits buying a new fur and paws to match every time you want to change your look? With the versafur collection, you first choose one fur and one set of paws. Next, you shop through a huge variety of ears and tails for you to mix and match and create your own, unique fursona! Everytime you feel like a change you only need a new pair of ears or a new tail and voila! you're a whole new furry!

Versafurs come in three styles: solid, spotted and white muzzle/socked. Each style is available in three colors: black, brown and grey, with the white versafur collection in exception. The white versafur only comes in solid, but it is also available in three varieties of it's own: black nose, brown nose and albino.

Versafur Collections (some links may be unavailable during the peer review process)
White Versafur, Black Versafur, Brown Versafur, Grey Versafur, Black Spotted, Brown Spotted, Grey Spotted, Black & White, Brown & White, and Grey & White

Please Note...

Ears and tails are male/female compatible, but will be located in the female accessories portion of your inventory. Furs and paws are gender-specific items, so please be sure you're looking in the right bundle! Cheek tufts will be located in male accessories, but work fine on the female avatar, although I didn't like them with all hairstyles.

Check back often!

If you're a versafur collector, be sure to bookmark your favorite bundles! Every time I add a new ear or tail shape to the collection, I'll also update the bundle so it's easier to keep track of the new parts available to match your favorite fur! Please keep in mind, I didn't create this bundle for sale, it was created for reference purposes so I can easily see what needs to be updated (all icons and display pictures are in the process of updating). The bundle was created solely to help keep track of the versafur collections.

If you do buy the bundle, be warned... when I update the bundle in the future, that doesn't mean you'll be getting the new things for free. You'll need to check back here to get all the new additions and purchase them separately.

Below is a sample of what you can do with a versafur. Please refer to the bundle's icon and title for the color & fur pattern of this collection.

Please excuse the mess while the icons and product descriptions for the parts to the collection are updated!