Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo

Modern Juke Box

Retro with a modern twist, this Jukebox has 6 channels and a nice retro lighting effect.

This will stay once started by standing in front of it and will load a bar on the top left so you can select radio station, ever one in the rooms station will change

Product type Furniture

Black Onyx Celtic Collection Logo

Textures: All as usual but textures M05 and M06 are actually insde textures M00 and M01 to fake a neon style effect.

Flash radio: If you want to add or change the stations or recolour the skins please refer to the parent product for an excellent help guide

It is beyond my control if a station should become unavailable but if it should so for over 3 days please leave a message on my HP stating which one has failed. I will attempt to find a similar station to replace it asap.

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