Sixteen( 16 ) sayings from the same man. Invisible product. Trigger words are (CC1 thru CC16 ). CC1-3 hellos......CC2-add me as your buddy....CC3-age-name-place........CC4-Aww now don't go & flip out on me........ab5...all work & no play.....ab6-Alright girl lets C what U got......CC7-Alright so what........CC8-been alot of fun Hope we can do it again......CC9-Boys arn't pretty like girls.They can't wear ribbons......CC10-See I told you.....CC11-Can I help U take that off.......CC12-can U hear the music OK........CC13-A Hearty Laugh.......CC14-Come on,don't be so cold.Live a little......CC15-Come over here & get some of this......CC16-Did you get as much