photo mylilheartacheinv_zpsd4f39ef0.pngNPC of the World photo mylilheartache_zps7b18791c.png

The newest girl from the NPC of the world range by Dieezah is Taslima. She has travelled all over India and who know from which of those wonderful region she's from?
She is barefoot, wearing her hair wrapped in a turban with precious jewels on it. She has unique jewelry and she is carrying a precious cargo on her head... She is animated.
Some animations/poses will start when clicking the yellow dots around her (3 of them)...
Others will need to be activated/triggered by the use of certain words.
Try before you buy and please leave nice reviews, thank you !
Trigger words :

hello, hi, greetings, bye, farewell, salut

La derniere venue dans la collection NPC of the world de Dieezah est Taslimai. Elle a voyage a travers tout le continent qui est le sien mais qui saurait dire exactement d'ou elle provient ? Le continent Indien est si vaste !
Elle se tient debout pieds nus, portant un magnifique sari, un foulard assorti drape autour de la tete et orne de pierres, des bijoux uniques et elle transporte un precieux liquide dont personne ne connait la nature exacte...
Elle est animee. Certaines poses et animations se declenchent simplement en cliquant les poignees jaunes a proximite de Taslima (y en a 3), les autres reagissent a des termes declencheurs (trigger words) listes ci-dessus...
Essayez avant d'acheter et laissez des commentaires.... Merci....

Ce produit a ete cree grace a la collaboration de plusieurs createurs dont Dieezah, Ellohym, LadyMorphine...
This product exists only because of the joint forces of Dieezah, Ellohym, LadyMorphine...
