This Lakeside Cabin is unique because it is nestled along side a lake centered in the foothills... Surrounded by mountainous rock, this lonely wooden log cabin has reflective flooring and large yet modest rooms; a bedroom with curtained bathroom area, living/family room area, and the kitchen/dining area... Both the bedroom and living room area has a large opened bay window that can easily double as a patio door where you can add a deck if you wish (there are several decks and dock/piers in my shop that fit well in this room)... there is a smaller window in the kitchen/dining area... The kitchen and bedroom areas are elevated from the main living area with artistic steps... All rooms are separated by a large illuminated aquarium with animated bubbles and fish... The tank is adorned with etched wood panels and marble slate... Specially designed to match my aquatic and aquarium furniture, all of which match most of my leather collections... Feel free to mix and match to your heart's content... I hope you enjoy!!!

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