GLOWING SNAKE NECKLACE NO.3 (Try IT) (add to wishlist) (add to cart)
Beautiful,unique and animated snake necklace. Don't be afraid. Snake necklace has been well trained, so all those snakes in Glowing series will never bite, they like to be stuck on you and they will follow anywhere you go. They are very good pets and I'm sure you'll have fun with them. IMPORTANT NOTE! If you interested and you wanna buy it for your self or send to your friends..Make sure you try it, check the price and recheck the name who you going to send, make sure you send to the right person. Sorry but I can't give any refunds. If you like my products, please leave a review for me, thank you.
Here is the Valentine's Series:
Here is the Glowing snake Series:
Here is Glam Series:


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