Rigid Standing Spot

Please read the description carefully, this is NOT a regular standing spot

This standing spot is motionless.


I had to make an animated catalogue shot where the change in animation was over a period of a few minutes. when using a normal standing spot in my screenshot room, the avatar was moving about in the usual way, making it look more lifelike which is good, but not when you are trying to keep the camera still to take identical screenshots to work on.


I thought hmmm how can I keep still. Answer, by creating this product. The avatar has absolutely no movement whatsoever.
The screenshots below were taken over a period of about 5 minutes, I didn't move my camera manually in the IMVU window and I got perfect shots.

Hints and Tips

To cut images to the correct size perfectly, I do a full print screen, select roughly the section I want to use on one of the screenshots. Save that selection to the alpha channel. Load the selection from the alpha channel to all the other images then crop to selection on all images. 
Then continue to edit as necessary, ensuring the images stay the same size as each other.

animate your images (frames) as usual

and voila - no more jerky animations.

If that confused you, Google selections and/or alpha channel with the name of the software you use for image editing. I use both Photoshop c3 and PSP7 and can achieve a smooth animation in both programs. I'm sure The Gimp will also.