Air lounger set, great for any Pagan, Witch, Wiccan, etc. Bracelet for Left Arm Only. You can find the Air Lounge Bundle below :)

Air governs the realm of the mind and all mental activity, it is the most ethereal of the elements. Air’s direction is east, and it’s season is spring. As it is the element of the wind, Air governs all movement, and is associated with travel, freedom, thought, ideas, intellect, imagination and discovery. Areas governed by Air are meeting rooms, schools, libraries, airports, railway stations and bus terminals. It is connected with mathematics, science and the law. Air’s places are mountain tops, windy plains, clear or cloudy skies, and the Air element presides over the eastern quarter of a room or building.

Air personalities are rational and analytical, they are clear thinkers and don’t rush into things, enjoying mental stimulation, a good debate, and an exchange of ideas. Too much Air makes for a judgemental and critical outlook, with a pedantic attitude towards all things. These personalities can put the damper on creative ideas in their early stages, without any rational. An overabundance of the Air element and a person can live in a fantasy world, given to ideas that have no substance. They can approach something that is untenable and be blind to the pitfalls.

The deities associated with Air are Shu, Thoth, and Mercury. Shu was the Egyptian god of the Air, who with his consort Tefnut (the goddess of moisture) created the earth and sky. Thoth was the Egyptian moon god, he was god of wisdom and the keeper of secret knowledge, and it was said that his book contained all the wisdom of the world. was eloquent and inventive, with a lively mind and a quick wit, he was the patron of thieves, merchants and travelers. He was associated with the Greek god , messenger of the Olympian gods, who could travel as fast as thought.

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