Creators for the Cause of Christ Congregation: Member of the Month ~ Stage for January 2008.

This month, we honour Naomi; although she is a new member to the CCCC, she is nothing less than a legendary Content Creator reborn both in Christ and in IMVU. She, alongside her husband Believer2, now uses her extraordinary talents to create for the Glory of God. We are blessed and full with gratitude to have Noami amongst us. May God use you, Naomi, mightily...Blessings Sis! Stage derived by PhoenixBlade. Original avatar image by Naomi used with permission.


For this month's Member of the Month's Catalogue; Click banner below.


Most of our items are non-derivative. We spend countless hours trying to perfect the textures, away from our families on them. Custom items can be requested and we will make every attempt to make them available as soon as possible.

To buy more of our items click on the banner below!
