Flaming snake.

Another pet with a mind of its own, this impatient snake circles you, travels around the room, nods and shakes his head, coils up and fidgits while you chat...A snake with ADHD to be precise LOL These snakes are roughly twice your avatar's hight in length, and respond to various key words such as ~'yes'-the snake nods vigerously.~'no'-the snake shakes his head~'coil'-the snake twists up in a coil~'contort'-your snake contorts painfully and spazticly for a momment~'die'-your snake freaks out, breaks his neck and dies...and my new favorite ~'drop'-the snake drops from the sky high above your avatars head and dies in a crumpled heap on the ground..YAY! Remember you have to take other items/pets wit the same trigger words off first before they will all work. Thanks to WalzingMouse for making this derivable. :)

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Lookin' Out My Back Door

Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com