LoneWolf Quintuplets Sons born 8-6-2011, to my late wife QnMorgannaLoneWolf. Their names is as follow; PrinceArthurPenDragonLoneWolf,PrinceWulfnothLoneWolf, PrinceDrakWulfsonLoneWolf,WulfricLoneWolf,and WulricaLoneWolf the only girl born to this litter,four boys and one girl. Name is as follows in birth of order. PrinceArthurPenDragonLoneWolf,PrinceWulfnothLoneWolf, PrinceDrakWulfsonLoneWolf,PrinceWulfricLoneWolf,and PrincessWulricaLoneWolf. LoneWolf Kids not for sell! If like and buy any of my other products a review will be appreciated. Thanks for browsing my catalog. Blessed be!
 photo quints.sons_zpsrb0umkj6.png
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