Jim Jones-Pop Champagne

By rules of IMVU (and not that of the me or any other creator), all audio products are cropped to 20 seconds. Please do not write assinine reviews for creators based off of your own ignorance. This "20 second audio rule" is also stated on all product pages in a BRIGHT PINK banner-so you CAN'T miss it. Reading is fundamental. All of my music products were made before the "20 second audio rule" went into effect, therefore, BE ADVISED. Should you still decide to purchase music files other than what is in the IMVU Music Store then you will need version 403.0 or older in order to here the full song. For more information, read the forums provided for all on IMVU (http://www.imvu.com/catalog/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpbb2&file=viewtopic.php&p=5209330). Thank you for your patronage. Have a nice day!