Based on Max Smoke's Animated and ACTION-PACKED Ray Gun For Females in the right hand
Features: Ribbed Titanium Housing, Diamond Plate Grip, Energy Charge Level Indicator Lights, Dial-In Settings Knob and Custom Colors & Sounds
The gun is fastened securely to your right hip until you are ready to use it. All firing modes are matched to the colors of the pulses generated from inside the weapon
Many FUN animated triggers!
3 Bonus poses are included:

Pose1 - Kneeling, weapon in front facing up
Pose2 - Kneeling, weapon aiming ahead
Pose3 - Standing, weapon raised to the side

Hold (Standby Grip)
HoldP (Purple pulse)
HoldROY (Red-Orange-Yellow pulse)
HoldG (Green pulse)

1st Command fires in front - Adding L & R direct your weapon to aim to the left or right
ZAP or
RZap & LZap
ORay or
RORay & LORay
Laser or
LLaser & RLaser

Awesome action moves:
Roll - causes your avatar to dive, roll, crouch, draw the weapon and to scan right, left then straight ahead without firing.
You may also combine it with the 3 firing modes
RollZap - RollOray - RollLaser>>>>