Well, Well, Well still running from the law or the mob huh? I guess they sent someone to follow you to your "Gangster Hideout" And now you need me to get you out of trouble again by finding you another place to hideout. Well my friend you're in luck. I currently have a great place for you and your gangster buddies in an unknown location right below where you're standing. Yes that's right, Its underground. Found the place by accident really. Its in a deep secluded area in the subway station and Its a lot bigger than the "gangster hideout" and unknown to no one but you and I so you'll be safe from harm :D *Please Note: that this ROOM DOES NOT COME WITH ANY FURNITURE!!!!! (only the fireplace) This can be great because you can be creative, use that creative mind of yours to decorate your room/hideout ;) Here are some furniture items I've used to decorate my place. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket