The Raygun for Women
(Dispite the avie in the video, this version is only for Women, not Men!)

Blast off to the World of Tomorrow, with the ultra futuristic Raygun. Made from advanced technology from the year 1999, this super high-tech weapon uses state of the art materials, like Aluminum and Transistors, to create a weapon that will put any Martian in their place! It even attaches to your side using Venusian "Vel-Crow", a material so advanced it clings to you like Magic! The gun has 3 firing modes and 4 different attacks, which you can use together for a staggering 12 different assaults. It also has hold animations, as well as 3 "Heroic" poses, to impress your pals!

Commands are: Testing... "FireZap", "FireORay", "FireLaser", "LeftZap", "RightZap", "LeftORay", "RightORay", "LeftLaser", "RightLaser", "Roll", "RollZap", "RollORay", "RollLaser", "Hold", "HoldBlue", "HoldYellow", "HoldRed", "Pose1", "Pose2", "Pose3".
(That might seem like alot of commands, but just remember, first type in what kind of attack you want (Fire, Right, Left, Roll), and then the effect you want to attack with (Laser, Zap, ORay). You'll be blasting your pals in no-time!)

PLEASE NOTE: This item will ONLY work with FEMALE AVIES! It will not work with Male avies. There is a seperate version for Male avies available in the catalog. It also will conflict with any other item that uses Channel 11, which is used for other items that don't replace any visable part of the avie's body. It will disable, or be disabled, by any other object using that Channel. So please, TRY IT before you BUY IT! There will be NO REFUNDS if you buy the wrong version by accident, or it doesn't work with your existing outfit. TRY IT before you BUY IT!

Is silver kind of bland? Like Blue Lasers instead of Red ones? Want some sound effects? DERIVE IT! Make your own version, and even sell it the catalog for a small markup over my original, and you can keep the extra profits for yourself! You can express yourself AND earn credits at the same time. How's that for a sweet deal? You'll need a full account on IMVU, as well as a copy of Previewer. You can find out more about Deriving on the IMVU's Education Center. Below are the templates you'll need to get started:

This is the "Color skin, the actual skin used for the Body of the Raygun. Modify this for small changes, like adjusting the color of the gun, adding rust, or decals. If you want to change the holes in the body, use the other skins below:

This is the Opacity Layer skin. Anything that is white is solid, anything that is black is invisible. This allows you to add cutouts in the body of the gun, exposing the glowing core underneath. If you leave this all white, none of the glowing effects will be visible. If you do use black cutouts, make certain this image lines up with the Skin above, otherwise, you will have holes in weird places:

This is Wireframe template for the Body of the Raygun. Use this if you want to build a completely new skin from scratch and you need to know where every Pixel of the texture map falls on the model:

This is the "Gray" template, without any cutouts on the body. This will be helpful if you want to do your own cutouts without having to erase mine. Just make certain to resize this image to 256x256 when you are done editing it. Also make certain your cutouts line up on the Opacity image:

This is the Color skin for the Raygun's Special Effects:

This is the Opacity for the Raygun's Special Effects:

This is a layout guide showing what each of the layers in the Special Effects image does:

To add sound, I highly recommend you download and use Audacity. It's a free sound editing tool that can export out OGG sound files. OGG sound files compress down to less then 1/10th the file size of WAV files. SO USE OGG FILES!!! You can download it here: