1 - Prepare your trigger list in notepad. Separate every trigger by space (trigger1 trigger2 trigger3 ...). Different trigger set put in new line (up to 10 sets of 30 triggers). In notepad, select all triggers (CTRL+A), copy (CTRL+C), hide imvu text chat, click on paste area (1) and paste your triggers (CTRL+V). Example of trigger list to paste: mysong1trigger1 mysong1trigger2 mysong1trigger3 mysong2trigger1 mysong2trigger2 mysong2trigger3 2 - Click button to play first trigger (last used trigger is lighter). 3 - Click any other button to play each trigger. 4 - Switch between trigger sets (if more). 5 - (optional) Set time in miliseconds (1 second is 1000 miliseconds) for auto trigger. 6 - (optional) Turn on or off auto trigger. If on, auto trigger will automaticly play next trigger after milisecond time (5) when first button is clicked (2). 7 - (optional) Hide imvu text chat and click on console background to play with single keys from your keyboard (keys for triggers are 1-0, Q-P, A-Smile. 8 - (optional) Hold left mouse button on top and move your console around the screen. 9 - Hide console. ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF TRIGGER LIST TO PASTE: effect1 effect2 lights1 lights2