A demo...my first 3d project..and let it be noted as such..I would like to thank marisa9 for her help with getting me started..and i would like other people to burn in hell for hindering me (you know who you are)... No this mouse isnt animated..I dont know how to animate things yet...so kiss my and give me a few weeks guys..plus his textureing sucks as i dont know how to make textporter work properly..lol The spawn of the devil..my first creation..thusly the ultimate in evil...or in more real terms..a wierd little rodent that sits on your shoulder..It has a huge grimmacing face..with bloody fangs..hard to look at I know but im making her derivable so you can make your own textures off of it.. Enjoy my crappy first project...w00t and whatnot...Image hosted by Photobucket.com