Antiproton Beams

Antiproton Beams are an add-on product to starship rooms. There is an attached sitting spot solely for assisting the room owner in placing the item.


phaser - Activate animation of one beam firing one shot.
phasers - Activates animation for two beams firing a total of three sweeping shots.
fireall - Activates the same animation as phasers, trigger coppied for sound box.

No ship in the fleet is complete without Beam Weapons.

Check out these other products:
Beam Weapon Add-Ons:

Antiproton Beams

Disruptor Beams

Phaser Beams

Plasma Beams

Polaron Beams

Tetryon Beams

Projectile Weapon Add-Ons:

Borg Plasma Torpedoes

Photon Torpedoes

Plasma Torpedoes

Quantum Torpedoes

Transphasic Torpedoes
© 2014 Chloe Love Smith