A nice Streaming Radio with 670 stations (regularly checked and updated) classified into 30 genres (as said on derived product page).
~As shown on derived product page:

The radio user interface is very easy and can be hidden by hitting the little blue "left" arrow by the "x". The "x" will close the radio, shutting the music off.

The radio has two spots so two people can grab the radio widget at a time, but it does not require your avi to stay on the radio to use it.
Once u grab the widget, simply hop to a dance spot or whatever and enjoy music! :D

Most radios and anything that usually goes onto the wall, whether on a wall dot node or a floor dot node, the back side is always invisible,
but I placed a back texture for those who have glass type walls, or just want to place the radio on top of a room dividing half-wall or something of the such.

This radio uses a floor dot node, but can placed on a wall node however u wish and will work and look perfectly if u angle it upright,
or upside down, if u choose, lol.

I hope you enjoy the texturing, but I can not take credit for the functions, so do direct your questions of the radio features and functionality to the original creator I derived this from. Ty! ~Jenn o:)