If you like dancing or listening to music this is just the thing you need in your rooms.It is a picture of my collisium where theres a blue box and 3 gold coloured darklics.When you stand on one of the 2 nodes in front of the painting it will start to play music from streaming radio.If you then move from the spots your friends in the room can stand in front of it in turn and get to hear the music too,fascinating huh.(It is best if you stand th picture on the floor near a wall or you avi will look like he/she is climbing the wall). This is live stream radio,not downloaded music.This products built in radio has 10 different radio stations and 4 different coloured skins.The file size is smaller than some muic rings and triggerless music so loads up in your room faster.The added benefit is that this product is not breaking any copyright laws.Thankyou to my friend sintek for making his product derivable so that i could mke this item,also i thank the original developer for creating the derivable streaming radio.



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