Animated Nunchaku

The nunchaku is a traditional weapon of the Kobudo weapons set and consists of two sticks connected at their ends with a short chain or rope. Although the certain origin of nunchaku is disputed, it is thought to have been brought to Okinawa from China. The Japanese word nunchaku itself comes from the Hokkien (Min Nan) word nng-chiat-kun(no-chiat kun). When viewed etymologically from its Okinawan roots, nun comes from the word for twin, and chaku from shaku, a unit of measurement.
It is now a very popular weapon in Martial arts in both Chinese and Japanese culture. This is a traditional pair of Nunchaku, with rope, lustrous wood, and ANIMATED movements. The pair stay suspended until you click into the position to start the animation. Great addition to any dojo and to impress your guests. Enjoy the video below demonstrating animation.

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