Here is a crown of green laurel leaves, made on request but offered to you for all your roman or elven needs. Please see the chart written below the picture for suitable hairstyles.It is not a full list of all hairstyles available to you as an IMVU customer, but hopefully you can guess after seeing the ones I have noted. Please, if you are in any doubt about whether the hair you wish to wear with this crown will work, then try before you buy.

Perfect (virtually no clipping): Angel Hair, Bald, Corn Rows, FrenchKnot, Ultra Short

Fine (a very small amount of clipping): Aakiko, Abby, Academia, Aimie Waist Length, Alejandra, Allura, Anna, KittenKat's Any Length, KittenKat's Any Style, Ashley, Beaded, Yumi, Channel, Double French Braid, French Braid, Giannette, Sophie


You can find the derivable version of this mesh here.