HUGE, ANIMATED, INDOOR POOL, PRIVATE BEACH, PRIVATE B-BALL COURT!! Wheeew!! That being said, this WONDERFUL ORIENTAL STYLE MANSE has soo many pluses, it's hard to describe them all!! TONS OF NODES including walls and ceiling!! Oops, lots of nodes outside, too! (66 basic standing-seating & 6 in line standing in front of the house. 40 walking animations around the scene; thru automatic closing/opening doors, and up and down the stairs.) You can CHANGE the outside ambiance from DAY TO NIGHT!! Animated doors 3 PLUS A HUGE WINDOW WALL THAT OPENS!! Triggers are EASY to remember, just type: open, close, day or night and put an arrow before the word! {<} check the presentation in case this doesn't show! This is very unique and new!! The walls are in a rich shade of red with black and dark wood trimming. The home is made of bamboo. I have also added KANJI words to some of the rooms. The kitchen area sports the word "knowledge" for obvious reasons! LOL! The bedroom has the word "love", and the other room says "wealth". These are all BLESSINGS I WISH FOR YOU TO RECEIVE! Guess that's it! A house is NOT a home unless it's "DEVELOPED WITH A OUE-BIT OF LOVE!!!" THANKS TONS!! LEAVE A REVIEW IF YOU WISH!! =]

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