ATTENTION! Protection Status ATTENTION! : Flagging products incorrectly is a violation of the TOS of IMVU and has consequences. According to IMVU Terms of Service depictions of blood are General Audience except for depictions of extreme excess blood/gore or the mutilation of body parts.This item is 100% allowed in IMVU 'General Audience' (GA) Catalog and is following the IMVU 'Terms Of Service Agreement' NO ANIMATED BLOOD!!!!!!!! / NO HARM TO AVATAR!!!!!!!! False Flagging of item may result in your IMVU account being Disabled This is what is ALLOWED under GA and AP... Copied directly from the imvu document. Thanks for reading... General Audience (GA) ##•Blood (GA) - Depictions of blood. •Body Modifications (GA) - Any alterations to the avatar's physical form (ex. Robotic limbs, tattoos, piercings, etc). ##•Cartoon Violence (GA) - Violent actions involving cartoon-like situations and characters. May include violence where a character is unharmed after the action has been inflicted. •Comic Mischief (GA) - Depictions or dialogue involving slapstick or suggestive humor. •Crude Humor (GA) - Depictions or dialogue involving vulgar antics, including 'bathroom' humor. •Edutainment (GA) - Content of product provides user with specific skills development or reinforcement learning within an entertainment setting. Skill development is an integral part of product. •Fantasy Violence (GA) - Violent actions of a fantasy nature, involving non-human characters in situations easily distinguishable from real life. •Gaming (GA) - Users can play a game, including those of chance, without betting or wagering real or virtual currency. •Informational (GA) - Overall content of product contains data, facts, resource information, reference materials or instructional text. ##•Mild Violence (GA) - Virtual goods depicting characters in mild unsafe and/or violent situations. Also includes realistic weapons that are not used against other avatars or whose intent is not obvious or aggressive harm of other avatars. Access Pass Only (APO) •Alcohol Use and Reference (APO) - Reference to and/or images of alcoholic beverages. The consumption of alcoholic beverages. ##•Animated Blood (APO) - Animations involving blood. [NO ANIMATED BLOOD HERE] ##•Blood and Gore (APO) - Depictions of excess/gratuitous blood or the mutilation of body parts.[NO EXCESSIVE GORE MUTILATION BLOOD HERE] •Mature Humor (APO) - Depictions or dialogue involving "adult" humor, including sexual references. •Nudity (APO) - Virutal goods depicting full or partial nudity, including but not limited to nude humans, nude avatars, skins, and/or products (transparent or otherwise) that cover less than the GA minimum coverage guidelines below. Depiction of uncovered female breasts and un-aroused male or female genitals are considered part of this category. •Profanity (APO) - Obscene, lewd, or abusive language. •Sexual Themes (APO) - Mild to moderate sexual references and/or depictions. Includes any sheer/transparent lingerie and undergarments even if they meet the coverage guidelines. Intimate avatar poses, including but not limited to avatar lap straddling, are considered Access Pass Only except in cases where they are sexually graphic and/or explicit in which case they should be considered UFI. •Tobacco Use and Reference (APO) - Reference to and/or images of tobacco products. The consumption of tobacco products.