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Perth Rune Earrings

I made these earrings as a part of my Perth Rune Jewlery Collection. This is for the earrings only. Check out my Perch Rune Necklace and Perth Lace Choaker.

There are many different descriptions of this rune in lore. The truth is that this rune is a mystery. I like the following interpretation of the rune.



Myths and deities: Freya, Angrboda

In predictions it announces: new birth, mystery, magic, divine influence, fertility, sexuality, new beginning, prophecy

Upright position: a hidden secret, you do not know everything ,but you will soon. may receive information to help you or money to assist you.

Inverse position: prepare for a disappointment because information you have received recently will prove wrong or untrue.

Use for magic purposes: for success in predicting and in practices of magic, reinforcement of powers of psyche.

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