A complete and interactive photo-lab to make your avatar photos, contest, stickers and more!!!
What is this? This is an interactive item, basically a 'background' to your photos you could choice one of the 10 backgrounds included, or 5 atmospheric effects , change a picture by way of added light or foreground, total of 10x5x5x5= 1250 possible combinations!!

How To Use: Place it on a room, it adds 5 standing points but you can use the points on your room :) , use the trigger words to change each item. The photo lab machine gives you the triggers right on it

B1 to B10 : Change background image, B0 deactivate it so you could use to make photos of the room. FX1 to FX5 : Change "atmosphere effect" of the photo-lab , FX0 deactivate. L1 to L5 : change 'light' well its really a plane in front of photolab but it makes an effect like color light , L0 deactivate. F1 to F5: change the front image , F0 deactivate.