Gothic Heroine: Governess in Mourning

The passing of your wealthy, widowed father had left you, once a pampered (almost spoiled) child in a position of dependency on these distant relatives who so patently despised you for your new state of poverty. Once, your days were spent in visiting and being visited, music and reading, riding and walking; now, you drudge from sunrise to well after dark in teaching the ill-behaved children of the family, waiting on its daughters, and being chivvied from cellar to attic by its didactic mistress. Such has been your life for two long years now.

But perhaps-- just perhaps-- all of that is about to change, with this strange, mysterious letter from the Continent....

The Governess dress, in "Mourning", made of black wool. Silver buttons close the sleeves and the back; plain ribbon trim at the wrist, skirt hem, and waist; silver-and-garnet brooch at the throat.

Like Regency Red and "Nightgown #1", this gown uses one of Kittenkat's highly versatile derivable meshes-- the Long Dress with Boots. You can't really see the boots unless you zoom under the dress; but no proper gothic heroine would go around barefoot and bare-legged; so boots and stockings are what she wears!

Accessory suggestion: Reading glasses.

This gown is part of the Gothic Heroine Project!