Making your way through the living forest, a large tree in the distance seems to draw you.

Standing before an ancient oak tree, a fleeting notion of a doorway fills your mind.

Before your astonished eyes a portal opens within the huge tree.

Quickly entering, you descend down a spiral stairwell.

The sound of running water in your ears is revealed as a subterranean stream by a dim light in the distance.

A pale, spotted geeko rests peacefully on a rock of the cavern nearby.

Following the light that guides your feet, you follow the stream further into the black rock walled cavern.

Out of the shadows you see a great owl perched on the bend of a knarled root juttting down from some tree far above.

The fantastical owl guards the path ahead.

Fearlessly, yet with respect, you slowly approach the white owl as it watches you intently.

A feeling of relief energizes you as the fearsome owl nods its approval as you pass it by.

The stream you are following passes under a large, heavy door of richly grained wood.

Light spills out all around it as you push the door.

With a loud creaking sound, the great door yawns wide at your touch, revealing...

Merlin's Alchemy!