Buyers WARNING! BEFORE YOU DERIVE THIS PRODUCT, HAVE IN MIND THAT IT CAN ONLY BE WORN WITH PERLU'S YaY-Lo Deriv XV Fine Waist Avatar, YaY-Lo Deriv XV Fine Waist APO Avatar, YaY-Lo Deriv XV Avatar, YaY-Lo Deriv XV APO Avatar, OR ANY DERIVATION OF THOSE AVATARS. This product was created for the exclusive use with those avatars and their derivations, and using it with the normal female avatar will cause incompatibility issues with the regular leg.

"(PX)Mi BeleZA HSuit XV 3"

Meshes Derivables by Perlu
(PX)Bodysuit W/Boots F/W
(PX)DeRiVaBlE ST Feet (PX)DeRiVaBlE gLoVeS (PX)Ideal Woman's Feet (PX)Ideal Man's Feet (PX)Deriv S/Tight Bottom (PX)Derivable HalfSuit
(PX)Fine Waist HalfSuit (PX)Supermuscles Top
(PX)Fine Waist Suit (PX)Derivable Stockings (PX)Derivable HalfSuit (PX)Derivable Bodysuit (PX)Bodysuit W/Flare F/W (PX)Over Top HalfSuit F/W YaY-Lo Der XV F.Waist HalfSuit

Perlu's Boutique

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