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This top is delicately laced in both the back AND the front!! This top was modeled off of a picture i drew!:D

It has slightly transparent material under the laced areas of the shirt. And it features small black straps, but unlike my cute black top, its not a bra, so you wont see one through the semi-transparent material!

The shirt is a nice black color, but not a solid black! Its slightly faded to achieve a more realistic look.:)

ALSO, the black armband on the right arm IS INCLUDED with the top!!:D Its just a simple armband, in a solid, jet black color. Enjoy!!! *NOTE* ONLY the arm band on the right arm is included. The bracelets, and collar, etc. are NOT.

Dont worry, this product WORKS ON ALL SKINTONES!! So no matter what skin you like, this top will look great.:)
(Skins displayed below are 90%, 0%, and 40%. Skin displayed above is Cappucino.)

Thank you for showing interest in my products! And thanks to all of you who leave me those nice messages telling me you like them, and to make more!!!^^ If it werent for you guys, i wouldnt be making more products in this money tight spot im in! Love you all!!<3