This is the YaY-Lo Derivable eXtra-Voluptous Fine Waist Avatar featuring:

BEFORE YOU BUY WARNING: This avatar (as all avatars derived from IMVU's Original Avatars) has a limitaion on some actions and stances performance. This is because the deafault ID for avatar actions and stances in rooms and locked rooms is either 80 or 191, and since these rooms do not recongnize a different avatar ID number as such, the derived avatar cannot perform in some situations as the regular one. This issue has been reported by my associate, ClairDeLune, to IMVU through email and a post at the IMVU Bugs forum. To read more about this issue and to keep yourself updated on this, please visit the following link:

Avatar Derivation Bug

Having advised you about this, you understand that there may be limitations on the usage of the avatar regarding rooms and actions/stances embedded on them, and any issues with this should be reported directly to IMVU so they can follow up ClairDeLune's reports.

I have fully tested and retested this avatar in different locked rooms, rooms, and with poses and furniture, and the only limitation to this issue seems to be on some (not all) actions and stances embedded on rooms.

Derivations from this product:

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Products by ClairDeLune!

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XxXavier's IMVU Catalog Products