HRHeather’s creations – dresses, gowns, and such

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HRHeather's extremely alluring gold and white heavy velvet dress hung by gold chains and showing a LOT of skin. Hinting only barely that this should be AP, rest assured, all red zones are fully covered, it is properly a GA dress. Medieval roll players will want this as a gown that the peasant woman might wear, who ran out of material, or the Medieval street walker plying her profession. High Elves might want this as a beautiful gown, or you might want this to get your husband to come to bed, or maybe your aim is to seriously ruin a wedding by attracting every male stare in the room from the bride to you, or how about wearing it to a funeral and see what happens?! Then again, if you slink about the castle wearing this, you are sure to get the King's attention, and drive all the guards wild with your presence. Try before you buy, but use the change room.

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HRHeather's extremely alluring gold and white heavy velvet dress hung by gold chains and showing a LOT of skin. Hinting only barely that this should be AP, rest assured, all red zones are fully covered, it is properly a GA dress. Medieval roll players will want this as a gown that the peasant woman might wear, who ran out of material, or the Medieval street walker plying her profession. High Elves might want this as a beautiful gown, or you might want this to get your husband to come to bed, or maybe your aim is to seriously ruin a wedding by attracting every male stare in the room from the bride to you, or how about wearing it to a funeral and see what happens?! Then again, if you slink about the castle wearing this, you are sure to get the King's attention, and drive all the guards wild with your presence.
How to build a dress
How to build a dress
How to build a dress
How to build a dress
How to build a dress
How to build a dress
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