Please Try before you buy - we all have Try It passes so take your time deciding if you really want this item.

† READ CAREFULLY - coming back to leave poor reviews over something already described here will only make the person who writes it look foolish (as in DOESN'T READ). So if you don't like something then please contact me directly, I'm cool like a morgue and willing to help ya out if you encounter a problem - just click the button & I'll help --->

† All my skins feature No Tongues/Blacked out tongues, and this is to show the fangs better since they have a black backdrop. If this is something you feel you MIGHT not like 100% then please do not buy my skins.†
† All my skins have been left with no nailpolish so you can wear any nails with them and the nail color & cuticles of the skin wont clash †


† Outfit Info †