Valentine's day collection

This item is a unique piece and the first of Dieezah's new NPC range of dolls...
Based on a doll which looked a lot like our IMVU default avatar girl, this doll however has been undergoing a makeover. A new pair of shoes All for your enjoyment of course.... ( shoes meshed by LadyMorphine)

Amaze your friends with the doll they have not seen yet ...

Try before you buy !

Voici un nouveau genre de personnages décoratifs que vous presente Dieezah !
Simple mais inoubliable, elle porte de nouvelles chaussures ... sa coiffure originale est unique...
Elle est animée.

Essayez avant achat...
before you buy/
 photo aquilazouknpc_zps8069252a.png

Ce produit a ete cree grace a la collaboration de plusieurs createurs dont Dieezah, LadyMorphine... This product exists only because of the joint forces of Dieezah, LMl...
