Star-Maker Ball -- Stylish and Colorful JUMBO Edition!
We have noticed a distinct shortage of stars in the sky these days. Could you find the skill within yourself to make some more for Our fans? It's so easy, you know. Rolling the Star-Maker Ball over stuff picks it up, and if you build it big enough it becomes a star! Of course the quality of a star depends on the quality of items rolled into it. Don't be hasty, and roll wisely.

T ♥ H ♥ E ♥ K ♥ I ♥ N ♥ G

Note: no animations come with this item at this time. I'm still learning! There may be an animated version of this item at a later date, so stay tuned!
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Made in Blender
This product was made with Blender, a free 3d modelling program. Blender has many of the capabilities as 3D Studio Max has (the official IMVU 3d development tool), but without the $3500 price tag. Many of the limitations on Blender are merely support limitations, and so the Blender community must often find their own way of getting quality products out. How can you help? Whenever you buy a product made by Blender, you are supporting that developer and encouraging them to keep at it! If we can get enough Blender-made products put out and sold, perhaps IMVU will give us a little support with tools that will make the going a lot easier.