MUEBLE PARA MOSTRAR CATALOGOS DE PRODUCTOS DE TU TIENDA PARA SALAS PUBLICAS, ( Solo para developer o derivadores ). donde das a conocer tus mejores 20 productos como maximo, asi como iconos para ver tu homepage y tu tienda en general. Mueble derivable pero deberas usar la configuracion del creador primario para obtener el XML file. NOTA: Solo doy a disponer el mueble si deseas derivarlo, el resto esta en la explicacion abajo. FURNITURE SHOW YOUR PRODUCTS CATALOG STORE FOR PUBLIC HALLS, (Only developer or derives). which you give to know your top 20 products at most, as well as icons for your homepage and your store in general. Derivable cabinet but so, use the primary creator settings for the XML file.  photo catalogohassbousi_zps51567a4f.jpg NOTE: Only give to arrange the furniture if you want to refer you, the rest is in the explanation below.  photo MANUALDELPLAYER_zps854f50a5.jpg