A framed painting by Pierre Auguste Renoir entitled "In St Cloud Park".

Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841 to 1919) was a French artist who was a leading painter in the development of the Impressionist style. In 1862, he began studying art under Charles Gleyre in Paris. There he met Alfred Sisley, Frederic Bazille, and Claude Monet. At times, during the 1860s, he did not have enough money to buy paint. Although Renoir first started exhibiting paintings at the Paris Salon in 1864, recognition did not come for another ten years, due, in part, to the turmoil of the Franco Prussian War. Renoir experienced his initial acclaim when six of his paintings were hung in the first Impressionist exhibition in 1874. In the same year, two of his works were shown with Durand Ruel in London. The warm sensuality of Renoir's style made his paintings some of the most well known and frequently reproduced works in the history of art.

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