Human furniture Welcoming party

This item is a unique piece and part of Dieezah's new NPC range of dolls...
Based on a doll which looked a lot like our IMVU default avatar girl, this doll however has been undergoing a major makeover. Resized head, a new pair of shoes and a slightly different body shape... All for your enjoyment of course.... ( Human furniture to welcome tourists/guests to your room when you are busy.... Smiles randomly... Try it before buying.....Hair and hat meshed by Polystyrene,other meshed by LadyMorfine)

Amaze your friends with the doll they have not seen yet ...

Try before you buy !

Voici un nouveau genre de personnages décoratifs que vous presente Dieezah !
Simple mais inoubliable, la tete a de nouvelles dimensions par rapport a son ancetre, elle souris parfois et tiens une bouteille d'un breuvage local à la main... sa coiffure originale et unique...


Essayez avant achat...
before you buy/

Ce produit a ete cree grace a la collaboration de plusieurs createurs dont Dieezah, LadyMorphine, Polystyrene... This product exists only because of the joint forces of Dieezah, LM, Polysyrene...

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