Tippy Toes Silver
(You are buying the the feet with toenails painted the color indicated above)

Derived from the "Derivable HH roundtoecap" by LaraRevan.

These gorgeous tippy toes were inspired by a happy accident. I was being my usual poser self when the overlapping transparencies suddenly canceled the shoes out, leaving me balanced on my toes. Woot! I love being on my toes. Ergo, this is not a pose, they are shoes. Or rather, the lack of shoes and can be used with any pose.

(*** Not recommended for use with poses with toes already extended.
 This will cause the ankles to look awkward and bent at unrealistic angles***)


To give you examples of what a difference being on your tippy toes can make, I have captured some screenies. Above you can see that shoes don't really flow with the (modified post-market for GA purposes) outfit by iracnia7. Bare feet, even the dainty ones, just seem bland as well. But, a little lift up to the toes and she is as elegant a dancer you ever did see!

Did you just plop down on the stairs or are you sitting there poised, looking beautiful? Seated poses are fantastic for those extended, pointed, tippy toes!

Are you the same height as him or have you been drawn up to your toes to rest your head on his shoulder or kiss him on the lips? A little illusion can go a long way.

This product was created with 10 shades of toenail polish to start with. Try them all and see which look best with your skin tone. Click on the colored bars below to take you to that color's page.







blood red


