Introducing hair that benefits Breast Cancer Awareness! I am dedicating this new style to my sister who is a breast cancer survivor. It is a mesh by Dev but I changed the opacities to reflect my inspiration. I have been searching for just the right mesh. Thank you Dev for this mesh. It is perfect for what I was looking for. Bling diamonds shimmer on a gorgeous headband with a beautiful pink heart shaped jewel bearing a hot pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon.

As usual I only use the finest quality real hair textures, not painted textures. Ladies, this is real hair! You will find 15 different colors to choose from for your Breast Cancer Awareness hair! Please wear it with pride and in remembrance for all who have lost their brave fight against this devastating disease and also for those who have survived. For even those who have survived are still struggling. Survival doesn't mean quality of life. My sister is still fighting for her life. The extensive radiation and chemo treatments damaged all her internal organs. Her ribs snap out of place if she moves too fast or turns too quickly, and her heart is so damaged she may have to go on a transplant list soon. I support breast cancer research. Thank you for your support!

Real hair! A spicy blend of Highlights add to this beautiful new style. Try it on and feel like a million! Enjoy!


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