A beautiful addition to my Christmas Love collection!
"All I want for Christmas is....."
The perfect spot to tell Santa all your heart desires!
This is a beautiful, red velvet throne for Santa :)
Two poses for Santa, and one pose to sit on Santa's lap with a candy cane :)
3 gifts sitting on each side of Santa's throne with 6 poses on each side, perfect for group photos!
Please click "Try It" to view this item in 3D!
I sincerely hope you enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed creating it :)
Remember, your reviews are my power, so if you love it, don't forget to show me some love :)
Coordinating items for this collection
(Room and additional furnishings)
are sold separately and can be found in my catalog :)
Please refer to catalog icon for your purchase :) no refunds :)
(This throne is not on a platform, and when you are not holding the candy cane, if you lower the throne to the floor, it sits below the floor under the throne.)