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need that cute little Accessorie for that outfit ur working on?

Laurel Leaf Crown 2

this laurel wreath goes all the way around your avators head!!!

was designed to go with "[BD] White Short Toga" which can also be found in my catalog

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

or get "[BD] Laurel Leaf Crown 1" which can also be found in my catalog

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

so try the product first as I cannot give refunds

feel free to buy

model: IbreeI

leaf crown 2 model

Add my banner (looks best on white background)
if you wish to center it type the word center at the start (only have to write it once)
with <> at each side of the word center

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I work long and every product I make, so please leave a review
If there is a problem with the product message me on my
homepage and I’ll fix it straight away


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