A sleeveless soft pink male t-shirt with a white trim, featuring the Lambda gay and lesbian pride symbol in white on the front. The t-shirt also features enhanced, detailed highlights and shadows to better define the body shape and enhance body volume. Show your pride for all to see!

You can find several GLBT pride t-shirts both for male and female:

{F} Labrys Pride Tee F

{F} Triangle Pride Tee F

{F} Lambda Pride Tee F

{F} Gender Pride Tee F

{F} Triangle Pride Tee M

{F} Lambda Pride Tee M

{F} Gender Pride Tee M

Notice that only the t-shirt is sold here. All other accessories and clothing shown on the model are not part of this product.
Also seen here:
{F} Enhanced Skintone M by Finue
{F} Buzz Cut Blonde M by Finue
Attractive Guy Head 4 by HolyofHoly
Belted Worn Jeans by FuryianFyre
Shose BH1 by BronziQ8