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"Donder's name sometimes appears as Donner in books and writings about the reindeers. Donder is a very proud animal that isn't cocky, but surely confident in his/her abilities. Donder is recognized as one of the toughest members of Santa's team."

In collaboration with Nishi, Bagels, Nikawh, Mewcifer, xSnowLotusx, & xFoxykinsx.
Disclaimer: This product is copyright to Emerz, it is protected by the IMVU TOS (Terms Of Service). Do not reproduce this in any way. I will file a DMCA against anyone who copies/rips/steals my textures. Thank you!
I do not refund. It is your responsibility to press the 'try it' button to test the item out. If for some reason your item does not look like the one pictured above please clear your IMVU cache.
Please be aware that I am only a texturer. I do not deal with any technical issues due to the 3D mesh of the product.