G'day and Welcome to WitchyKat's Kloset!

Here is a PCOS Ribbon Sticker I made.

The sticker's measurements are 86x43 pixels.
A sample is shown here at full size.

It has a transparent background.. I LOVE CATS sticker by WKK The sticker you buy does not have the pink sample words on it.


So, What is PCOS?
(a description, written by me)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/Disease is a reproductive disorder.
Basically, the affected female has little cysts growing in her
ovaries and this creates a hormonal imbalance which can cause
a number of side effect symptoms. Some of these are acne, male
pattern hair growth, and "alopecia" (balding of the head); all
of these caused by too much testosterone, also there is increased
insulin resistance which if untreated develops into diabetes.
And it can of course, interfere with her menstrual cycle also.

It is a complicated Disease, each woman's condition is individual.
A female could have cysts on her ovaries and have no other symptoms.
And in other women, it can cause the added symptoms listed above;
but not every woman will have every symptom, it just depends how
well her body copes with the strain of a hormonal imbalance.

I have read that it is hereditary; but apparently in males, the
only symptoms it creates is early balding, and perhaps diabetes.
There is no cure; but most, if not all of the symptoms are "manageable".
1 in 10 women have this (and many don't know they have it).
I am one of them.


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