This is an animated sled ride with poses and gifts on sled.
One person can ride as the other is pulled along. Includes a couples anitmated kiss pose.

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slipperee's Animated Gift Sled album on Photobucket

Rotate and/or place in your room to add interest or a focal point. Santa Clause is coming to town!.

Once placed in your room, you may scale and make this larger or smaller to fit your needs.

If you have a photo you would like me to frame or make into a poster for you, please CONTACT BELLADONNA219.
Custom photos are also available, we can add most of your images to a different background for you. Its a great way to make your areas interesting and unique.
Makes a great gift so delight your special friends with your favorite photo framed and ready to be placed in any room.
Available upon request for discreet intimate photography and/or framing. Custom work prices vary.

To see this item and many other of my products in a actual room setting please visit Bella's Showroom for my full line of non-clothing products.

TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT! Non refundable