Sticker shows Captain Scott and his team (Oates, Bowers, Wilson and Evans) at the south pole, on January 18,1912 .. Scott's expedition, know as the Terra Nova Expedition (1910–1912), officially "The British Antarctic Expedition 1910", was led by Robert Falcon Scott with the objective of being the first to reach the geographical south pole .. Scott and four men from his team reached the pole on january 17, 1912, only to discover that a norwegian explorer, Roald Amundson, had reached it five weeks earlier .. Scott wrote in his diary:"the worst has happened...all the day dreams must go...great god! this is an awful place" .. on their return one of Scott's men, Edgar Evans, died near the foot of the beardmore glacier .. the team continued on through rough weather, suffering from frostbite, snowblindness, fatigue and hunger .. on march 16, 1912, team member Lawrence Oates left his tent saying "I am just going outside and may be some time" and was never seen again .. the remaining three men: Scott, Wilson and Bowers, set up camp and were stuck in a blizzard .. unknown to them, they were only eleven miles from safety .. the three men died in their tent, which was found later by a search party .. the tent and their bodies were never removed and it eventually drifted out to sea on an iceberg.. scott2