photo utube-player.png

 photo Snap_18552058954edd46090bede.png photo Snap_4224305894edd45f569635.png photo Snap_17253460354f59e41281198.png
0 CLOSE Totally turn off player (hide all graphics, turn off streaming and sound). Click again to turn it on and get current playlist state.
1 VIDEO YouTube Video support.
2 SYNC Synchronization. Must be turned on (default) if you want hear same music (it will play current moment of currently playing song) with other users (shared playlist), or turned off if you want listen in private mode.
3 PLAY Used to play after pause or stop.
4 PAUSE Used to pause (in SYNC mode (2), it will only mute sound for keeping good synchronization - use CLOSE (0).
5 STOP Used to stop (in SYNC mode (2), it will only mute sound for keeping good synchronization - use CLOSE (0).
6 SAVE Save currently playing song to FAVORITE list (8=>17). 7 SEARCH Turn on/off SEARCH PANEL. SEARCH PANEL is used to search new songs for playing.
8 PLAYLIST Turn on/off PLAYLIST PANEL. PLAYLIST PANEL is used to display current PLAYLIST state.
9 VOLUME Set sound volume.
10. CURRENT Displays current song name.
11. SEARCH FIELD Place to type artist, title, YouTube link or YouTube code. There are three ways of typing keywords: * using VIRTUAL KEYBOARD (12) for typing and SEARCH BUTTON (13) to start searching. * using real keyboard for typing and enter key to start searching, after hiding IMVU TEXT CHAT and click on SEARCH FIELD (11). * using real keyboard for typing and enter key to start searching, after switching to IMVU INVENTORY and click on SEARCH FIELD (11). (IMVU blocks real keyboard if IMVU TEXT CHAT is turned on).
12 VIRTUAL KEYBOARD Used for typing keywords in SEARCH FIELD (11) (_ is space and < removes last letter/character).
13 SEARCH BUTTON Used to start searching songs with typed keywords in SEARCH FIELD (11).
14 ADD TO PLAYLIST Adds song to PLAYLIST (8=>16) (as last in order). 15 PLAY IMMEDIATELY Plays song immediately (replace current first song on PLAYLIST (8=>16). (if some songs not work, this mean that they are blocked for your country or external playing)
16 PLAYLIST MODE Displays current PLAYLIST state (default). You can add up to 24 songs.
(playlist is real time thing, changing in time, so it will not be saved) 17 FAVORITE MODE Displays current FAVORITE list (songs saved with SAVE (6)). You can save up to 96 songs. FAVORITE list separated for each player derivation, but you can EXPORT (24) and IMPORT (25) it. Some users can have problems with keeping this list for next time. If you are one of them, you should know: * you can EXPORT (24) and IMPORT (55) your FAVORITE list. * you can check if access to store data on your disk is allowed (click right mouse button on any video on website, choose GLOBAL SETTINGS from flash menu, and set ALLOW SITES TO SAVE INFORMATION ON THIS COMPUTER (advanced users can click LOCAL STORAGE SETTINGS button and set to ALLOW, cause IMVU does not support ASK ME method). * you can check if antivirus/cleaning/security software does not block/remove data stored in FLASH CACHE (check its settings).
18 PLAYLIST SONG NAME Number of song place on PLAYLIST and its name.
19 USER NAME Name of user which added song to PLAYLIST.
21 PLAY FAVORITE IMMEDIATELY Plays favorite song immediately (replace current first song on PLAYLIST (8=>16).
22 ADD FAVORITE TO PLAYLIST Adds favorite song to PLAYLIST (8=>16) (as last in order).
23 REMOVE FROM FAVORITE Removes favorite song from FAVORITE list.
24 EXPORT FAVORITE Used to export FAVORITE list (IMVU blocks real keyboard if IMVU TEXT CHAT is turned on, so hide IMVU TEXT CHAT or switch to IMVU INVENTORY, use CTRL+C shortcut on real keyboard to copy FAVORITE list data and paste it to notepad (and save as txt file if you want to keep it as backup)). Users can copy FAVORITE list data between computers, player derivations, backup or share with others.
25 IMPORT FAVORITE Used to import FAVORITE list (IMVU blocks real keyboard if IMVU TEXT CHAT is turned on, so hide IMVU TEXT CHAT or switch to IMVU INVENTORY, copy FAVORITE list data from notepad (open previously saved txt file if you have any) and paste with CTRL+V shortcut on real keyboard). Advanced users can simply prepare or edit their FAVORITE list data (just type YouTube code and song name after space (each line is each position on FAVORITE list).

Everybody who wants to hear music synchronized with others, must have 2nd button (under youtube button) turned light on (it should be yellow like on screenshot, not grey).

You can add currently playing song to favorite list by clicking 6th button from top (small check button under stop button). You can play favorite songs from favorite list (8th big check button from top, under search button - then you must switch from playlist to favorite list by clicking on FAVORITE).
Song memory is IMVU reboot resist. Song memory is IMVU cache clean resist. Any derivation (alternative versions) of this player has its own separated song memory.
Some cleaning programs can destroy saved songs (you must turn off flash cache cleaning in them). Advanced users can backup or move (import/export) song memory between computers. Just search system hard disk for YTSP.sol file with hidden folder searching turned on.
IF PLAYER DOES NOT REMEMBER SONGS WHEN YOU LOG BACK: IMVU does not support Ask method for store flash data which is now default method with latest flash releases, so you must fix it manually. 1 - be sure you are talking about FAVORITE, not PLAYLIST (playlist is real time thing)
2 - turn off imvu
3 - download and install latest flash plugin from
4 - go to and click on any video with right mouse button to see flash menu
5 - choose Global Settings from flash menu
6 - choose Local Storage Settigs button in Storage tab
7 - find on list and be sure to set it to Allow (not Ask me)
8 - log to imvu and save your songs
9 - If after that still not work, it means that some security, cleaning or antivirus program blocks player from writing data into your hard disk
TO EXPORT, click < button near FAVORITE button, copy (CTRL+C) data to notepad and save as txt file.
TO IMPORT, click > button near FAVORITE button, paste (CTRL+V) data from notepad.
You must hide text chat (or switch to inventory) to do that (cause text chat captures/blocks keyboard).
This way you can edit, backup, copy to other computer/player (derivation) or share with friends your favorite list.

7th button from top activates/deactivates search panel.
You can use alphabet virtual keyboard and press SEARCH button to start search songs Alternatively, you can hide text chat (or switch to inventory) for real keyboard pressing time (cause text chat captures/blocks them), click on input field, write keywords or paste youtube link (CTRL+V) and press enter to start searching. Search is capable for keywords and also youtube links.

*** PLAYLIST ***
Clicking on song name (in search/favorite) plays it immediately and replaces with current one.
Clicking small green square before song name (in search/favorite) puts it as last on playlist
Clicking small red square removes song (in playlist/favorite).
hide 1) video (1st button) 2) search panel (7th button) 3) playlist/favorite panel (8th button) - and you will see only short vertical basic controls.

